The snow bubble over of area of Tennessee has finally burst !! Monday morning we finally got snow. It had started as ice and sleet Sunday night then changed over. My husband, who is a teacher, is still home on snow days three days later. The most northern part of the county he works in still has ice on the roads. Hopefully tomorrow he will be back to work. His classroom animals I am sure are hungry. :) We had everyone home on Monday, all five of us, and the kitchen took a beating. ~smile~ Tuesday I work for five hours and then today again all of us were home. My dd has started her new job and she is working from home now. Her training started on Monday. She will have six weeks of training. It will be home April 11. Last night my dh and I met with our elders from church so dinner was a fend for yourself affair. Tonight we are going to have the chicken that I had originally planned for last night. ...