
Showing posts from March, 2014

Snow in late March ?

The news last night said it was going to be cold today.  So we went out and covered our garden and our young peach tree and prayed for the best.  Woke up today to flurries !!!  Wow, hopefully our plants will survive.  I am more worried about our peach tree really.  It has buds on it.  It is beautiful to look at but at this point I am ready for spring.  Easter is a month away.  Come on warmer weather, it is time to take control.

Spring Garden

While I was out of town this past weekend my dh and dd went to the garden center and purchase plants for our spring garden.  They got 12 broccoli plants, 8 cauliflower plants, 2 kohlrabi plants,  4 purple cabbage and 4 green cabbage.  They also bought snow pea plants and some radish seeds.  I would normally plant kale but we have a lot in our freezer still.  He has asked me to think about what else I want in the spring garden and I can't think of anything else. What are you planting in your spring garden?  He is building me at least one more raised beds maybe two.  I can't wait.  To keep our food budget down we need to have a productive garden.

A Relaxing Weekend

I was blessed this weekend to attend our Ladies Retreat.  Actually, I was cooking for it but I still got to participate and hear most of the talks.  The topic was "Finding Our Place" in the kingdom.  Talking about finding a ministry or area that we can plug into.  They were talking mainly about homeless women and those who are recovering from addiction and pregnant.  They were really interesting talks. Our craft project for the weekend were quilt blocks.  They had chosen pink and purple fabric and we could pick any design we wanted.  I made two blocks as I was one of four who could sew ~ one was a maple leaf block and the other one was called "Railroad ties".  I really enjoyed planning, cutting and sewing it, It was a wonderful weekend but back to reality it is.  I need to plan menus for the week ......

Finally ..... snow !!!

The snow bubble over of area of Tennessee has finally burst !!  Monday morning we finally got snow.  It had started as ice and sleet Sunday night then changed over.  My husband, who is a teacher, is still home on snow days three days later.  The most northern part of the county he works in still has ice on the roads.  Hopefully tomorrow he will be back to work.  His classroom animals I am sure are hungry.  :) We had everyone home on Monday, all five of us, and the kitchen took a beating.  ~smile~  Tuesday I work for five hours and then today again all of us were home.  My dd has started her new job and she is working from home now.  Her training started on Monday.  She will have six weeks of training.  It will be home April 11. Last night my dh and I met with our elders from church so dinner was a fend for yourself affair.  Tonight we are going to have the chicken that I had originally planned for last night. ...