Menus for this week

Meant to post this on Monday but the day got away from me.

Monday June 16 - beef roast, new potatoes, carrots, onions and orange peppers
Tuesday June 17 - boneless pork chops, mashed potatoes, veggies
Wednesday June 18 - chicken fajitas and spanish rice
Thursday June 19 - baked pasta and salad
Friday June 20 - smoked sausage, mashed potatoes and veggie
Saturday June 21 - homemade pizza
Sunday June 22 - ds is cooking

This may change if dh goes into the hospital. He is seeing his cardiologist this afternoon. He had tests run last week before we left for Johnson City, TN for dd's college oreintation.

I will be picking up a few things from the grocery store: decaf tea bags for iced tea, dishwasher soap, a pound of bulk sausage for a recipe I want to try next week, tomato paste and maybe some tortillas though I would love to try to make my own.

Picked more from the garden last night: summer squash, zucchini, a cucumber and our first green pepper. Yeah !!!!!!! As soon as I can figure out our digital camera I will try to post some pics.


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