Ode to My Mother
Every morning I wake up
And I think about your smile.
You are my encourager.
Day after day,
Week after week,
Year after year,
You put up with me.
And not that I am not there,
I seem lost.
You have given me a foundation
That I can stand proud upon.
You give me hope
That someday I can be
Whatever I want to be.
You are always there for me.
Even if I am acting extremely
Mean to you,
You are always there.
I wish that I
Could always be there
For you.
Because you were
And are always there
For me.
You are my light at the end
Of the tunnel.
You help me see the good in the bad.
You have shaped me
Into who I am today.
Thank you for everything
That you have done for me.
I Love You!
My darling daughter, whose picture is above, wrote this for me.  I cried when I read it and she says that she really means it.  I thought I would share it here.


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