New Month

Wow I just realized how long it has been since I have posted. Been busy with the garden and fixing the damage from the Good Friday tornadoes. They say it was an F4 that hit a little over a block from us. We feel blessed to have only damage to our privacy screens in the back. One of the elders in our church lost everything.

We finally got rain last night. Hooray !!!!!! My garden is happy now. I was going to plant some seeds today but they can wait. We have planted 2 blueberry bushes, lettuce, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and banana peppers. I need to plant beets, more lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes, green peppers, hot peppers, peas, beans, sunflowers and pumpkins. I am so excited. I have a friend that has already told me that her plum tree is in flowers this year so I can come and pick when it is time. I think that our farmer's market opens next week. I was going to go this morning but dh took my car. We are trying tomato trees this year. They are suppose to reach 7 feet tall and have up to 160 pounds of fruit on each tree. I will let you know how it goes. I am making my list of non-garden supplies so that I will be ready when we start to harvest. I already have extra white vinegar and white sugar. I have canning salt already and I most likely will need more jars. I found two boxes at Goodwill but have not seen any since then. I will definitely need more canning lids. I will start to pick them up when I go food shopping. I can't wait. I really enjoy canning season. The rows of jars filled with goodies make me so happy. ~Smile~

Today I need to wash sheets, sweep living room, working in the kitchen and iron. I need to set up a schedule of chores so that I don't have a lot on any one day. My sweet dd, Rachel, will be home in one week. She only has two finals next week and my dh, David, is talking Friday off so we can go and get her. She is excited to be coming home. She is taking two summer classes and the start the Monday after she gets back. She is taking American History II in May and Development Psychology in June. Both classes will transfer to her school and she will be a sophomore when she goes back in August. Also, her job is waiting for her and she will start the week after she gets back also.

Dinner tonight is: Eating Out - dh and I eat out on paydays. Ds works so he will eat at work.
Until next time ~ God Bless


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