End of November already ?!?

Boy it seems like November just started and now it is ending. As I get older it seems like the years go faster. The crud caught up with us and dh was out of work three days with it. (thank you sick days) and ds missed two days of work. I was down with it about 10 days. I just don't bounce back the way the guys do.

Thanksgiving saw us with four instead of six. Ds and his finacee ate with her family this year. It was wonderful having dd home again. Her boyfriend joined us for out dinner. she is back at school now and we will see her in about three weeks for the Christmas break.

During this holiday time I was thinking about what I am thankful for. Here is my list (as of right now):

1. I am thankful for a Savior who loves me unconditionally.
2.. I am thankful for a loving husband who helps out when he can see I am having a bad day.
3. I am thankful for having two healthy children. It was been wonderful watching them mature.
4. I am thankful for my best friend, Susan. She is more like a sister to me then my sister.
5. I am thankful that my sister and I are working on our relationship again.
6. I am thankful for Allison, ds finacee, who will be marrying my boy next year. She is a welcomed addition.
7. I am thankful for Nick, dd boyfriend, who makes my dd very happy.
8. I am thankful for my good days and bad. It makes me slow down.
9. I am thankful for my mother who is trying to be "motherly" now and a grandmother.
10. I am thankful for all of my cyper friends. You have been there always and I am grateful.

I am sure if I had to debate longer I could think of more but this is definitely a start. I hope everyone has a blessed day.


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