Rain, Rain and More Rain

This spring is promising to be one of the wettest ever. We got our spring garden in late due the excessive amount of rain. We got broccoli, cabbage, red leaf lettuce and kohlrabi. Now I am praying that they don't drown. We have so much work to do outside and it rains every other day recently. It doesn't really get to dry out a little bit in between. The first good weekend we will all be outside working.

We have been working on inside jobs for now. The bathroom is coming a long with the wall speckled and painted. The storage box that will be beside the sink has been built and installed. This weekend the tile floor will go down, Lord willing. After that we will install the new cabinet and sink, place the toilet in place and hang the new mirror. I can't wait until it is done as we are all sharing the master bath right now.

I need to start my spring cleaning. I am going to start this weekend in the kitchen as it is the busiest room in the house. So much to do and I need to get organized.


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