Week #10

Well it didn't take long to plan this weeks meals as I have no food money left and I must use what is in the house. Thanks goodness for my pantry. I had purchased extra slbl chicken breasts on sale last week as well as frozen pizzas as I was not home Friday night thru this afternoon. Dh didn't eat at home much while I was gone so most of the pizzas are left. Here is what is planned this week:


cold cereal, eggs and toast, waffles


leftovers, sandwiches


hot dogs and mac salad
whole chicken (in the crockpot), stuffing and veggie
chicken stir-fry (leftover chicken from above)
meatloaf, mashed potatoes, veggies
date night
pizza night
eat on the run


popcorn, fruit, pretzels

Recipes I want to try:

-chewy granola bars


-pumpkin bread
-banana bread


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