July is almost over ...

This year seems to be flying by. July has been busy also. Canning is in full swing with our tomatoes coming in now. I bought 20 pounds of beets end of last month and got them made into pickled beets. Yumm This summer seems to be much hotter than normal and I don't like hot weather - I mean really hot weather. We are still having mid 90 temps with the heat index being in the 100s. David enjoyed his trip to New Jersey and is already been back to work for over a week now. Inservice starts tomorrow and his room had to be done before then. We painted it this summer with an ocean scene and it looks really nice. I got to help ~smile~. He has social studies this year as well as science. Not good but what can you do, at least he has a job. This is his 19th year teaching. Around the house, the master bathroom is almost done and the master bedroom is done. Yeah !! The bathroom just needs the faucets and a new light fixture. Now we just need touchups here and there. We really want the house to be sellable so that if something happens it can go on the market quickly. We do not forsee anything but for peace of mind it will be a good thing.


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