How did I do?

Here was my to do list from last week:

In the Kitchen:

- soak, cook and can pinto beans   
- soak, cook and can black beans
- organize pantry
- take inventory of pantry
- pick up co-op order on Tuesday


- target room this week is living room
     - take down and wash curtain
     - vacuum couch and recliner really well
     - go through what is in and on end tables
     - rearrange what is on shelves
- maintain rest of the house


- finish sewing stuffed animals for baby Carter, my mom and my sister
- mail animals to my mom and sister
- sew at least five more animals for craft fair on the 23rd of March
- finish knitting booties for order from church

So how did I do.  Not very good really.

In the Kitchen:  got most of the pinto beans canned.  I still have some to process in pressure canner.  I did not even get black beans soaked.  I started to organize the pantry but did not take inventory.  I did pick up my co-op order.

Housekeeping:  I maintained the house but that was about it.

Crafting:  I did not get any of it completed.

Wow !!!  What a failure !!  There is always this week.  I will post this weeks list later today.


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