Our Debt

Recently I sat down with our bills and wrote out all, and I mean ALL, of our debt.  I had to start crying when I added it up.  Why, oh why, have we let it get this out of control?

We are just under $78,000 in debt before the house.  After sitting down with dh we are starting to formulate a plan of attack.  So, here is what we have done so far .....

Got a settlement from a car accident we were in last year -
 paid off Ginny's bill and A-1 Cash in full, paid the repairman who fixed our dryer,  got both car payments caught up and bought me a new sewing machine as mine was on its last leg.  We also gave dd $800 to help fix her car.  We have some repairs around the house the we have to do and the garden was planted.   $663.00 off of our debt.

We are looking at cashing in our annuity.  If we are able to we plan to use it .....
 to pay off both annuity loans we have taken out, saving almost $203 a month, Wells Fargo (for our  handicap shower stall install, and put a chunk against another bill.  Hopefully another $14,000 off of our debt.

During the month of June our goal is to pay my Dress Barn bill in full and well as a medical bill.  For a total of $507 off.

What is so sad in this whole situation is that we were looking at our debt to see if I could quit my part time job as my health is getting bad again.  Once we saw the situation we were in it became apparent that I can not quit right now.  Dh is saying maybe by the end of the summer.


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