Sorry it has been a while ....

Life has been very crazy since the new grand baby was born.  He was born end of February and two weeks later he and his family moved in with us.  So we went from empty nesters (just two of us and a dog) to six humans and two dogs in a starter house (about 1400 sq foot).  Having two little humans - now 5 months and 20 months - means that the house is never quiet.  Dd has been battling post part depression and has needed my help with the kids.  In this time frame, about 5 months now, they were officially edited, had their cars repossessed and have experienced unemployment.  It has been frustrating for everyone as their goal and ours is to see them be independent again.  He, SIL, is currently working a temp job on third shift.  We are praying that a first shift full time job comes open that pays enough that the can get their own place.

Dh is back at work, school teacher, and is working very long days.  He has a difficult group this year and is drained every day.  He is teaching fifth grade math and science this year.

My first craft show of the fall is September 1 so I have been trying to get into the sewing room everyday.  Some days are more successful at this then others.  I currently have 2 shows in September, 13 in October, 3 in November and 2 in December.  Dh let me buy a new sewing machine and I need to make enough to pay for it.  It is a commercial machine and I am enjoying it greatly.

I have been canning a lot and the garden is winding down.  I have put up, either freezing or canning, kale, cabbage, peas, beans, cucumbers, green peppers and tomatoes.  No zucchini this year as we have soooooo much in the freezer still.

Got to get off,  Have a blessed day.


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