Grocery Shopping

Went this afternoon and even though some of this will be eaten before June 1 it is still from my June food budget. I have a little bit more this month for canning and processing supplies. Today I got:

1 bag pretzels
1 box kitchen garbage bags
1 bottle salad dressing
2.28 lbs grapes
2.26 lbs banana
1 pkg provolone cheese
1 triangle parmesan cheese
1 tub sherbet - my Memorial day splurge
1 loaf of bread
3.89 lbs asparagus
1 bottle laundry detergent
1 container raspberries
3 boxes Kroger brand cereal

The asparagus was $1.99 a pound so we will some for dinner and the rest will be frozen for this winter. The cereal was a close out of a family favorite. I wanted more but we only have so much storage room. The raspberries were $2 a container. I spent $43.05 but I saved $13.55 or 25%. Not my best but not bad. I will post my menu Sunday night/Monday morning.


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