Picking Up A Few Things ...
This week I have picked up a couple of things here and there. I discovered this morning that I am going through more bread and lunch meat than normal as dear husband is taking more sandwiches to work now so he can eat one coming home to avoid a low sugar. So I will go back to the store today for that.
Here is what I have purchased so far this week:
2/11 Kroger
1 box popcorn
Total: $1.07
2/13 Sam's Club
1 box of baked chips
2 bags kale salad mix
Total: $17.51
2/14 Kroger
1 head green leaf lettuce
Total: $1.38
Total spent: $19.96
Left for pay cycle: $30.21
These purchases were mainly with dear husband in mind. He had wanted popcorn REALLY bad and we didn't have any so I bought a small box and he got to enjoy it on Sunday. Kale salad is a favorite around here and Sam's Club has the best mix. It was on sale while I was there to pick up the chips so I snagged two bags. The baked chips are individual bags for dh lunches. Baked are the only kind he is allowed now. An expensive purchase but I am still looking for a better way or price. A big bag won't work because we will eat the entire bag in one sitting. We don't think about these because they are bagged up already. The lettuce on Valentines Day was for a salad to go with the pizza we had.
Here is what I have purchased so far this week:
2/11 Kroger
1 box popcorn
Total: $1.07
2/13 Sam's Club
1 box of baked chips
2 bags kale salad mix
Total: $17.51
2/14 Kroger
1 head green leaf lettuce
Total: $1.38
Total spent: $19.96
Left for pay cycle: $30.21
These purchases were mainly with dear husband in mind. He had wanted popcorn REALLY bad and we didn't have any so I bought a small box and he got to enjoy it on Sunday. Kale salad is a favorite around here and Sam's Club has the best mix. It was on sale while I was there to pick up the chips so I snagged two bags. The baked chips are individual bags for dh lunches. Baked are the only kind he is allowed now. An expensive purchase but I am still looking for a better way or price. A big bag won't work because we will eat the entire bag in one sitting. We don't think about these because they are bagged up already. The lettuce on Valentines Day was for a salad to go with the pizza we had.
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